There is no such thing as race. None. There is just a human race – scientifically,
anthropologically. Racism is a construct, a social construct, it has a social function, racism. — Tony Morrison
As we reflect on the past year with the lens of racism, we see how intrinsic the meaning of racism has infected every quality-of-life aspect that most white communities take for granted. The Grassroots Equity Commission goals are deconstructing what is not working around racial equity; and healing and transforming our structures, our environments, and ourselves.
The Grassroots Equity Commission is developed to address the state-sponsored sabotage of basic quality of life institutions in our communities such as education, safety, housing, healthcare, climate/ environmental and economic development. The Commission approach allows organizations to collectively address the growing inequities of federal government-based initiatives that impact our communities. The Grassroots Equity Commission is composed of 2 to 3 members of organizations in different quality of life areas, who will be the official coalition liaison to the federal and local decision makers. We will operate as a national commission and our members will replicate this model locally to engage municipal and state lawmakers.
The GR commission will:
Partner with the Schott Foundation’s Loving Cities Index to engage decision makers around the reality; and impact of inequity through bus tours, grassroots listening projects, and sharing our coalition reports.
Partner with the Schott Foundation’s Loving Cities Index to organize briefings and hearings with quality of life policy recommendations with federal decision makers.
Support local and regional coalitions and collaborations that are inclusive and focused on achieving racial equity and language justice. To eliminate racial inequities in our communities, developing a collective impact approach.
To learn more about The Grassroots Equity Commission contact us at:
Email: info@j4jalliance.com
Phone: (773)548-7500